Modern kitchens are integrated spaces where food is prepared and guests are served, all at the same time. That is why it is unthinkable to imagine a kitchen without an extractor hood that helps make the atmosphere created in this room pleasant.
For this reason, brands like Bosch think of incorporating different functionalities into this appliance. This is how extractors or hoods have left behind the days when they were simple devices that produced an unbearable noise, to become the faithful companions who add light and even elegance to the stoves.
So far so good but, is it enough for the new extractor hoods to be beautiful and soundproof to guarantee that the kitchen is not taken over by a cloud of odors? The answer is NO. A hood or extractor must meet a number of requirements to guarantee that its diners or visitors do not end up with smoke and scents such as those coming from grease, fish or meat.
In search of the perfect extractor hood
The first thing to consider when choosing the extractor hood is which type is ideal for our kitchen. Should it be installed on the ceiling? Island? Countertop? After deciding what is best, you must think about the power needed depending on the space of your kitchen.
In fact, power is a vital aspect when it comes to choosing an extractor hood, since without good power it will not be as efficient to clean the kitchen of fumes and odors. For example, the ceiling extractor hood from the 8 Series by Bosch has an extraction power of 933 cubic meters per hour, making it one of the most powerful on the market. But it also comes with a sensor called PerfectAir Sensor that measures the density and quality of smoke at all times, and automatically adapts the power to save energy and reduce noise in your kitchen.
And if noise is as important to you as smoke in the kitchen, don’t worry. The ceiling extractor hoods manufactured by Bosch offer the EcoSilence engine, which reduces noise to a minimum and has a 10-year warranty that includes labor, delivery and change of spare parts of the engine.
Size does matter
The size of the extractor hood is an important factor to consider and this will depend on the characteristics of the range or cooktop. The rule in this regard is that the extractor hood must be larger than the range. This will guarantee that the absorption capacity of the extractor hood is better.
In terms of energy expenditure, it is something you don’t need to be concerned about either. Bosch 8 Series ceiling extractor hoods are one of the least energy-consuming appliances, with a consumption that ranges between 25.3 kWh and 46.8 kWh depending on the power at which they are running and whether or not they have the light on.
So, as usual, Bosch brings to the kitchen all its knowledge to turn the slogan “innovation for life” into reality through its appliances.