The architectural firm Snøhetta has completed a project for the Orionis planetarium in Douai, France. Located in the north of the country, the building has been built with materials that reflect the surrounding environment and seeks to become an extraordinary place for its residents.
Inspired by the elliptical motion of the stars, Orionis promises to be a unique destination for astronomy enthusiasts and architecture lovers alike. This impressive building features two domes surrounded by wooden walls that create a captivating experience.
The Orionis planetarium covers an area of 2,000 square meters. Its elliptical shape is composed of a poplar wood wall and a glass wall with steel parasols. This structure was based on the architecture of the nearby Arkéos Archaeological Museum since Orionis shares parking and garden areas with the former.
Beyond the stars
Among the challenges and objectives of Orionis is to be a place of encounter and discovery for the residents of Douai and its surroundings. The architectural and urban concept is inspired, as we mentioned above, by the elliptical movement of the stars, and seeks to reflect the sensations of continuity, fluidity, and perpetuity that emanate from them.
The project was developed by the Paris office of Snøhetta Studio, which said they were inspired by astronomical phenomena to create the unique design of Orionis. The building’s elliptical shape and flowing curves seek to convey the movement and dynamism found in the universe. This combination of form and function offers an immersive, multi-sensory experience for visitors.
The construction of Orionis includes carefully chosen materials. The domes are PVC-covered, and the wooden wrap-around walls create a warm and cozy feeling. Also, local materials have been used and parasols have been placed to regulate the building’s temperature.
An interesting detail that Snøhetta developed in this planetarium is the incorporation of sustainable elements, such as geothermal heating and sensors installed in the openings to provide “smart natural ventilation.” Additionally, the lower level of the building is covered with a green roof planted with wild grass.
The Orionis Planetarium has several areas that provide different experiences for visitors. In addition to the projection domes and exhibition halls, the building houses an amphitheater, an observation area, and offices on the second floor.
Orionis is currently open to the public, allowing astronomy enthusiasts and visitors to enjoy its facilities and explore the fascinating universe.